Sunday, August 4, 2013


Always. There is something daunting about that word. Perhaps it is the amount of times it is used in ones life, and how many times "always" turns out to be a week, a month, or a year. Perhaps it is the slightly reminiscent sting of a love that was going to last "always" or a friend that would "always" be there. Always is not just a word. It is a promise. Always doesn't have circumstances or requirements, it means here and now, then and there, anytime and anywhere. (Sorry just went all Dr. Seuss on y'all) But seriously. When I think about the word "always" I think about how it has gained a sarcastic reputation throughout the years. Many people have fallen in love and been heartbroken under the premise of "Always." Many have sunken into the cozy safeness of "always" only to find a shallow bottom where the "always" ended.

Matthew 28:19-20 says "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”


I feel like the "That escalated quickly" internet meme could totally apply here. We just completely passed Whitney Houston (And Iiiiiiiiiiii-eeeee---Iiiii will alwayssss loveeee youuuuuu-whooooooo......anyone?) and went to JESUS ALWAYS. Jesus Always is a whole different ball park of always. We pass up the sappy love song always, the middle school crush always, the Coca Cola always (youtube it), and every other realm of always and went to "Until the end of the age" always. The TRUE always. The always that means no matter what. And I don't know about you but when I read that verse I didn't see a list of conditions. There was no fine print underneath specifying a level of holiness you have to maintain in order to receive this eternal partnership, there is no church you have to be a member of, no church group participation necessary, and no checklist of deeds to be done before Jesus will be with you always.

Always doesn't have a starting point either! Many people misunderstand that word to mean "always: after you accept Jesus". No! Always means from the beginning to the end. Always.

That means when God created you He did not send you down here and wait until you decided to go looking for Him later on in your life. He stayed with you! Just as a shepherd stays with his sheep, our Lord has stayed with us from the beginning and He will continue to be with us until the end! THAT. Is always. Until the end of the age. The END of the age. Not the end of YOUR age, but the end of THE age. He will stay with us no matter what. THAT is a safety net that you can sink into, one that knows no end. THAT is a song worth singing. 

I just cannot get over how awesome that is. God, the most holy and awesome being. The King of Kinds and Lord of Lords. Creator of heaven and earth. The I Am. Will be with me always. Until the end of the age. He walks with me. He whispers to me when I am lost and leads me back. He holds my hand when I need comfort, He picks me up when I fall, and He carries me when I cannot walk. He listens to every word I speak to Him. He makes a way for me. He has a plan for me. He loves me. Always.

If that is not the most beautiful love story in the history of the world, I don't know what is.

Our God is amazing. Always.

Love and Blessings,

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