Friday, September 4, 2015

Koffee Talk w/ Kat {Routines}

So to start my dive back into the blogging world I am just going to start with a simple series of my morning coffee rambles. School just started and it is insane how much work I have already done and is waiting for me to do. Senior year is no joke. I have this semester and 2 more to go and I feel like I will not have a chance to breathe in between. This semester I am doing Session A and Session B classes which means that I will have one set of classes for the first half of the semester then take my finals in October and then a second half of classes with finals in December. Which basically means I am taking two semesters worth of work in one semester. IN-SANE. But nevertheless so far so good, it is just quite a task trying to keep up with all the work.  With the help of my Erin Condren Life Planner (hereafter referred to as ECLP), coffee, millions of to do lists, and of course a few awesome tutors I think I will survive this semester.

I moved back in with my parents this semester to save money my senior year. School and work basically take up ALL my time, and when those two things aren't controlling my time then I am at church or sleeping so living on my own didn't really make sense anymore. I was basically paying for a place that I was never even at to enjoy. So now I am saving money to pay for school, which my dad generously offered to help pay for part of this semester so that was a huge blessing so I only had to pay for a small portion! And I am able to put away more a month to pay for grad school, fix my car, get new tires, and all that other fun adult stuff.

Since I have moved back into my parents house my daily routine has gotten SO much better. Basically I wake up every morning around 7, take my puppy Deacon out to potty, go back in my room and put him in bed with me and I either check social media on my phone, watch Chopped (my guilty pleasure), or sleep depending on how late I was up. Then I get up around 8 and start moving around, get dressed, take Deacon out again to let him get some energy out. Deacon comes to work with me usually twice a week, the other days I pay my little sister Liv to watch Deacon. She owns Deacon's sister Darcy from the same litter.

Here's a little picture of my boy Deacon Paul: 

 So after I am ready to go and either get Deacon loaded up or in my sister's room then I head off to work. I confess I am in the habit of running to Starbucks on my way to work about twice a week, I swear a frappuccino in the morning completely changes the outcome of my day. It is a sure fire way to have an amazing day in my book. Unfortunately, good 'ole starbucks is a little stressful for my wallet so I try to make myself have coffee at work rather than going there but I do not care what you say, none of those doggone pinterest frapp recipes can even slightly compare to one made my the amazing red headed barista that spells my name right. They don't look as good in my insta photos either. #firstworldproblems. Anyways, a little mid-way hack that I like is the Starbucks Doubleshot Energy drinks, my favorite flavor is the Vanilla ones. They are 15 fl oz of goodness and I usually only drink half then put the other half in the fridge and drink it the next day. Today, because it is Friday, I drank a whole one. Currently am typing at 100 WPS and feel like the energizer bunny. #help

So then after choosing how I will be getting my life elixer for the day I start the day with my little Allybug. There will be a whole other post designated to the joy that is my goddaughter and the blessing that is my job of being her nanny every day. So Ally and I usually have either a really chill or really busy morning. Some mornings we load up in my golden carriage and run errands, go to the park, or various other adventures. Some mornings we watch Sophia the First in our pajamas and do crafts. Today, Allison is wearing sheep pajamas and watching Sophia the first while coloring in Nanny's notebook. Choose your battles people. Friday's are huge toss up days. Ally's parents (my adopted bro and sis) are usually off work and go adventuring and some days they need to do work at the house so I will take Ally out to the Children's Museum or if her parents are going to be gone all day we will swim in her little pool shaped like a crab in the backyard or do a craft or be lazy and snuggle on the couch and take seflies (thats my fave). Like I said, today we are being lazy because it is storming outside.

Then lunch is at 12 like clockwork, we get ready for a nap, then she goes down for about 2 hours. During that time over the summer I indulged in a nap myself or binge watching Law and Order SVU, however now I am forced to use that time to do schoolwork. #yay But L&O is still on because I am a rebel. Then when Ally gets up we have about an hour and a half before her parents are home, we eat a snack, color, read books, dance, sing songs, or play outside until they get home and then I head home for the day.

After work I either go study with friends or go home and eat dinner then hangout with my sisters or whatever else I have planned for the night.  (EDIT- So while I was typing this paragraph Ally was eating lunch, pizza flatbread and raspberry jello and she dropped it all over the floor then proceeded to clap her pizza/jello hands on me and my shirt while I was cleaning it up.) Then I am always home, showered, and in bed before 11:30, I watch NCIS or Chopped until I fall asleep. The End.

This routine has really been working for me, it is still super busy and hectic some days because I am also involved in all of my siblings different activities. Olivia has cheer that started a few months back, my mom is the sponsor so I am at everything and I help with the girls. Bailey has soccer, the games haven't started yet but will start next week. My sister Devan has cheer, and my other siblings, Brylee, Sam, and Hayden are all involved in golf. So it is definitely busy. I also have church twice a week and several church events each week. Along with school events and other activities I am involved with.

So that is my crazy day to day life. I get kind of excited when I have nothing to do, my guilty pleasure is being able to lay on my bed and watch TV and do absolutely nothing. I am already looking forward to fall break!

Til Next Time,

Here's a few other pics from my crazy life:

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