So it's that time of hear again, Lent! Today was Ash Wednesday (although this will be posted the day after) and I have to say, this year Lent has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I don't know quite how to explain it but this year it is just so much deeper than a time of year where I give up cokes for 40 days and download a Verse-A-Day pop up app for my iphone. ((See which ones I reccomend below))
While I will probably still do both of those things because I do believe those are great practices (sacrifice and daily Bible Reading) I have also decided to do something a little more.
I will confess that I am not as diligent in my Bible readings as I should be. Not even close to be honest. So this Lent I have decided to read my way through the New Testament. Why the New instead of the Old? Because, Jesus. I am going to read my way through His life, starting with Matthew. So today I read Matthew 1-5. This is extremely easy and interesting reading, do not let the genealogy at the beginning scare you off, it gets good. Some really awesome stuff happens right off the bat in Matthew, you run through Jesus being born, how the prophecy of the Messiah is fulfilled (this is really cool) and then you hear some of Jesus' teachings. I'm actually really excited to read more (tomorrow/today I will try not to start at 1:30 A.M. so I'm not so sleepy).
Which brings me to part number 2 of this Lenten readings, making time for God. Confession number 2 is that I am guilty of not setting aside time for God every day. I know that I would be a much more balanced and happy person if I had some sincere Jesus time in my life every day. So tomorrow I am going to set aside some time, either in the morning before class, after class, or before bed to read Matthew 6-10 (or wherever I decide to stop).
I am also keeping a journal through my readings of important parts of the chapters I am reading, important lessons, and scriptures I want to remember!
I can't wait to see what awesome things I read and the amazing things God will do during this Lenten season.